vanessa pfeiff

client accounting services


Vanessa, with 35 years of experience as a Client Accounting Services (CAS) professional, is an experienced member of the Reese Henry team. Her expertise encompasses property management accounting, homeowner's association accounting, and nonprofit accounting.

Outside of her professional life, Vanessa is actively involved in her church, small group ministry, and motorcycle ministry. She is passionate about camping, boating, and exploring the local desert, embracing the outdoors in her leisure time.

Why did you choose Arizona?

“Arizona is home to me. My family is here.”

What does living the “Aspen Idea” mean to you?

“I really enjoy being active outdoors and I aspire to create a life/work balance that allows me this.”

Why did you choose to join the team at Reese Henry?

"I liked the people I knew that worked here."